A lively international congregation, gathering people of many backgrounds and all ages for worship in the Reformed tradition


The Scots Kirk Lausanne


with the Church of Scotland, Geneva


We are looking for a minister to:

Be part of a team
Grow the resources we have
Build our community across generations through outreach and pastoral care

Do you:

Have an ecumenical approach
Communicate God’s message in a way that is relevant to everyday life
Feel comfortable in an international environment
Have an interest in Swiss culture
Speak a little (or a lot of) French 

The call is open to Church of Scotland ministers and other ministers in the Reformed tradition who are affiliated with a member church of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC).

We are in deferred linkage expected late 2025 at which time an associate minister will also be called.  For informal enquiries please contact the Interim Moderator Rev Graham Austin GAustin@churchofscotland.org.uk

Church profiles and additional information can be found below

If you would like to apply, please send a CV, cover letter, link to on-line or recorded services and any additional information you think relevant to the Clerk of the Nominating Committee at nominatingcommittee@scotskirklausanne.ch

Closing date:  18 April 2025, 23:59

Practical Information
Joint Profile v1.4
Agreed basis of deferred linking

Practical information Practical Information