A lively international congregation, gathering people of many backgrounds and all ages for worship in the Reformed tradition

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Congregational Life

The Eco-Congregation Initiative

Church of Scotland Geneva is one of the Eco-Congregation participant congregations, all of whom start their involvement with a self-assessing Environmental Check-Up...

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Church Finance and Support

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Caring for One Another

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We should be caring for one another
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Women’s Group

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Craft Group Activities

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Refreshments and Sunday Lunches

Everyone is welcome to attend Sunday lunch in the Salle on the last Sunday of each month. In a gathered congregation like ours, the lunch provides an opportunity to get to know others better while enjoying a meal together...

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Church Fair & Ceilidh

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Church Fair - Church of Scotland Geneva
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Book & Giftware Stall

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Congregational Committee

The committee oversees the practical issues related to the smooth running of the church. Regular agenda items include finance and fabric. Other matters discussed can cover issues such as Church Fair organisation, the church website, flowers in the church and facilities for persons with disabilities.

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