A lively international congregation, gathering people of many backgrounds and all ages for worship in the Reformed tradition

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Annual Congregational Meeting

The meeting is preceded by a light finger-buffet lunch at 13:00. The meeting itself will begin at 13:30. Documents Agenda 2023 Minutes, for approval 2023 Accounts. The income and expenditure reported are prior to audit. Once they have been independently examined, we shall repost! 2024 Budget CofS Geneva_2025 Provisional Budget Annual congregational report 2023 Future Focus 3. The journey continues

Event Details

Start Date: Sunday 09 June, 2024

End Date: 09/06/2024

Start Time: 1:30 pm

End Time:

Location: Salle Théodore de Bèze, Place de la Taconnerie 1, Geneva, Switzerland

Salle Théodore de Bèze, Place de la Taconnerie 1, Geneva, Switzerland

Place de la Taconnerie 1, Geneva, Switzerland