A lively international congregation, gathering people of many backgrounds and all ages for worship in the Reformed tradition

Home > Congregational away day

Congregational away day

Join us for a congregational day, with a varied programme.  Full programme to follow

Home > Special Malawi Appeal

Special Malawi Appeal

The HIV Resource Centre in Ekwendeni, Malawi is as busy as ever, doing its amazing work with the many young people in its large catchment area. The Centre has been in operation for 24 years now and it has touched hundreds and hundreds of young lives through its activities and its outreach program with over 60 youth groups. Over the years, our church has developed a strong partnership with the Resource Centre, and we continue to support its work through regular Mission donations.

In September, Jane and Han Broere will once again visit the Resource Centre and as before, we would very much like to provide them with a gift of money to take there, and to use to purchase something they see is needed, useful, life-changing, for the people we help serve.
In order to raise that money, we are inviting all members and friends of the congregation to give to this special purpose, over and above our normal giving, if we are able and happy so to do.

Donations for this special gift will need to be received by September 3 to enable Jane and Han to distribute the funds while they are in Malawi. Any funds received after that date will still be used 100% for the work of the Resource Centre, but as part of the regular Church of Scotland Geneva support for its operating costs. Likewise, any funds raised through this appeal that are excess to the needs that Jane and Han find there, will be fully used towards our church’s regular donations to Ekwendeni.

Donations are very welcome either as cash in the offering plate on Sundays (in an envelope marked ‘Special Malawi appeal’) or as bank transfers (again please note ‘Special Malawi appeal’ when making these electronic transfers).

As a reminder of the many important aspects of the Resource Centre’s work, attached is a brief extract from Jane and Han’s report from their last visit in 2022.

With many thanks in advance, on behalf of the Mission Committee,
Jenny Rietbergen

Bank Details
UBS Bank Account: Church of Scotland, GE
Account no. 279-C7114389.0
IBAN: CH13 0027 9279 C711 4389 0

Home > Creations (Craft group)

Creations (Craft group)

Monthly meeting chez Christine Donaldson

For directions, please use our contact form


Home > Election of six members to the joint nominating committee for the vacancy in Lausanne

Election of six members to the joint nominating committee for the vacancy in Lausanne

After worship on Sunday June 16, the congregation will elect six of its members to serve, with seven others from the Scots Kirk, Lausanne, as the committee to nominate a new minister for the Scots Kirk, in deferred linking with the Church of Scotland, Geneva.

Members may propose other members from the congregation (with their consent!) or propose themselves for consideration. Proposals of either kind can be made on the floor of the meeting or in advance, by email, to Christine Buhler, session clerk.

Guidelines for Nominating Committees

Home > Concert of French and Ukrainian song

Concert of French and Ukrainian song

Concert de musique lyrique française et ukrainienne

In aid of our mission project in northern Malawi: the Youth HIV/AIDS Resource and Counselling Centre attached to Ekwendeni Mission Hospital

Camerata Una, a vocal trio from the UN, will sing airs taken from French operettas by Charles Lecocq, Jacques Offenbach, and Camille Saint-Saëns:

Nadiya Dzyubynska, first soprano; Claire Vesterman, second soprano; Tor Bothner, baritone; Rebecca Dirks MacDonald, piano; Damianos Serefidis, violin

Malva, a Ukrainian women’s choir, and Ukrainian soloists, will sing traditional and classical Ukrainian songs:

Olena Udodenko (formerly of the Kharkiv Opera), director and soprano; Nadiya Dzyubynska, soprano and violin; Kirylo Krasnikov, tenor; Iryna Myronova, pianist

Free entry, retiring collection in aid of the Ekwendeni centre

Home > Nourishing Minds Spring Fling

Nourishing Minds Spring Fling

It’s cèilidh time again!

Join us and the Loch Léman Cèilidh Band for a fun night of Scottish dancing (no experience necessary) and make a difference in the lives of thousands of children in Malawi!

Book early as places are limited!

Tickets CHF 45 from tickets24@nourishingminds.org. Food and drink will be on sale.

For more about Nourishing Minds, visit www.nourishingminds.org

Home > Fête de l’Église 2024

Fête de l’Église 2024

On May 21 1536, the Council of Geneva pledged to “live according to the Gospel and the Word of God.”

Every year, around May 21, the Protestant Church of Geneva, organizes a Feast, also known as the “Church Assembly”, to commemorate Geneva’s adhesion to the Reformation.

The theme this year is “Re-enchanting the Church”, and the celebration is in three parts:

10h We are invited to worship in the Cathédrale St. Pierre led by Laurence Mottier, moderator of the Company of Pastors, Deacons and Ministers, and Georgette Gribi. The preacher is Antoine Nouis of the United Protestant Church of France.

11h30–13h30 – Aperitif and Canadian buffet
In the Cour Saint-Pierre, we return to the evangelical principle of sharing. Everyone is invited to bring a savoury or sweet dish that will be made available to all (pot luck). Aperitifs and drinks will be offered.

13h30–15h30 “The Church in song”. Poetry and music in the Cathedral, with Vincent Thévenaz Lorianne Cherpillod, Étienne Sommer and the Come On Gospel Quartet.


Home > Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Join us and others in the International Presbytery on Whit Monday for a short Zoom event to mark the closing day of this prayer festival

Click to open the Zoom link

Home > Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Join us and others in the International Presbytery on Ascension Thursday for a short Zoom event to mark the opening of this prayer festival

Click to open the Zoom link